Township Latest News

            1/12/2021 - Directions to Access Zoning Board Remote Meeting on January 27, 2021


            1. You will hear the Board and hear Attendees’ Questions
            2. You will not be able to ‘Raise Your Hand’ and ask a question
            3. You will start the log-in process again if you entered wrong # or connection is not good


            • Smart Phone (2 steps)
              1. Press ‘One Tap Mobile’ – click Township’s Meeting link on their website from your Smart Phone. You will automatically access to: Meeting Phone # and Meeting ID
              2. If prompted, press #


            • Non-Smart Phone (3 steps)

              REMOTE ACCESS WITH PC, LAPTOP or TABLET   *** Preferred Option ***

              1. You will hear and see the Board and hear Attendees’ questions
              2. You will have ‘Raise Your Hand’ option and be able to ask a question.

              ‘Raise Your Hand’ Icon is at bottom of the screen (possibly at the top of your screen), appears when hovering over your screen

            • Your Device – Using its Speaker and Microphone (3 steps)
              1. Click on Township Zoning Board Meeting’s Remote Access URL or copy URL link into your browser
              2. Download/run Zoom app (few seconds) on your device
              3. When prompted, Your Name and Email, press Enter
              4. You are now in the Meeting – you will see & hear Zoning Board Panelists


            • Your Device – Has No Speaker and Microphone (4 steps)

              On your Device, you will see and be able to ‘Raise Your Hand’ for a question


            • Meeting Governance
            1. Enter Meeting Phone #
            2. When prompted, Enter Meeting ID
            3. Press #, If prompted, press again #
            1. Same steps as above
            2. Dial-in provided Meeting Number with Your Phone (to hear & speak)
            1. If you come early, you will be placed in a “waiting room” until meeting starts
            2. You will join ‘muted’ – only Co-hosts can ‘unmute/mute’ during Public comments
            3. You press ‘Raise Your Hand’ icon if you have a question, Board will see your request when ‘unmuted’, do not forget to activate your microphone when asking the question After your time for a question, Board will ‘mute’ you back

            If you want to be ‘seen’ while asking your question, then activate your webcam


            Join Zoom Meeting



            Meeting ID: 950 4313 8188

            Passcode: 872249

            One tap mobile

            +13126266799,,95043138188# US (Chicago)

            +19292056099,,95043138188# US (New York)


            Dial by your location

                    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

                    +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

                    +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)

                    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

                    +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

                    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

            Meeting ID: 950 4313 8188

            Find your local number:

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