Clean Communities

Aberdeen township participates annually in the statewide Clean Communities Program. The primary focus of this program is to promote litter reduction through the implementation of local-level efforts that incorporate the elements of litter pick-up and removal, education, and enforcement.
The NJ Clean Communities Act enables the NJ Department of Environmental Protection to provide a modest sum of money to each participating municipality on an annual basis. In exchange, the municipality agrees to address the three elements of the litter reduction program in accordance with "model Program Requirements" which are established by the state.To address the issue of pick-up and removal, the Township provides an ongoing program of removing litter from municipal roadways, parks and beaches, other public lands, and also provides residents with the opportunity to participate in an extensive recycling program. The Township has used Clean Communities funds to provide trash & recycling receptacles at various public places and services these receptacles periodically.The Township Clean Communities Program participates with the Aberdeen Township Environmental Board in semi-annual public lands clean-ups. The spring clean-up is held in conjunction with Earth Day and new VOLUNTEERS are always welcome. Please watch for advertisements in March and April.Aberdeen Township provides an ongoing program of public education by making presentations to community adult groups and providing educational puppet shows to youth groups. If you are interested in either program please call 583-4200 ext. 118.Finally, Aberdeen Township has addressed the enforcement element of the program by enacting and enforcing litter related ordinances. Residents and business owners can be an invaluable resource in litter reduction by learning, understanding, and abiding by these necessary regulations which are enumerated in Township of Aberdeen Ordinances 4-15 Litter.
In general these regulations address the following:
- Depositing litter in public places including streets and sidewalks
- Depositing litter in bodies of water including fountains, ponds, lake, streams, or baysDepositing litter on occupied or private propertySweeping litter into any gutter, street or public placeDiscarding litter from vehiclesMerchants' responsibility to keep sidewalks free of litter
- Truck or vehicle loaded to spill contents