Public Works
The public works department consists of 2 divisions, which respond to the residents complaints and are also responsible for the operation and maintenance of roads, parks, recycling and trash pick-up, administration buildings and grounds, water distribution system and the sanitary sewer collection system.
Reminder to all residents that parking is prohibited on township streets during a snowfall and until such time that streets are sufficiently plowed. Unoccupied vehicles in violation of the ordinance are subject to a summons and removal by police. Residents unsure of whether their street is subject to no parking or alternate side parking restrictions should check the snow removal signs on their streets or log on to the township website at
Sewer Department
Water Department
Recycling Program
Storm Water
Report a Street Light Outage

- Monday - Friday: 7:00 am - 3:30 pm
- Saturdays: 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
Additional Links:
Contact Information
Sandra Caceres, PE, CPWM, CME
Public Works Director
Phone: (732) 583-4200 ext. 400
Fax: (732) 583-0737
Adriana Panetta
Administrative Assistant
Phone: (732) 583-4200 ext.401
Fax: (732) 290-3171
7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.